Get this, in several Asian countries, there is talk of putting an outright ban on online multiplayer games because there is a very real fear there that worker productivity is about to suffer because of all the lost sleep due to gaming!
How cool is that?
In Japan, there are online multiplayer games that are SO popular that gamers are putting their names onto online waiting lists WEEKS ahead of time so that they can play them!
The online gaming industry has seen a meteoric rise from $2.2 billion in income generated in 1999 to a projected $55.5 billion in 2009! That's insanity.
But here comes the real crazy part... until now, there has not been a way for the gaming community itself to cash in on their own wild ride. There hasn't been a very tangible way for the very people who went out and created this excitement in online multiplayer games to in any way make money from it.
But there is now a way, and the potential for everyone reading this is numbing.
Now gamers all across the globe can tap into the first and only direct online game distributor. If you so choose, you can start to immediately own websites that will allow you to allow others to try YOUR online multiplayer games for NOTHIN!
Those players who love the games so much that they upgrade will do so through your sites and YOU WILL EARN MONEY! Big money.
But the ride does not end there kiddies...because you will also be able to make mad money by showing others how to do the same thing! And that is where everything changes! By showing others how to do exactly what you've just read, you will put yourself into a position of making money off of all of their online multiplayer games sales!
You will witness EXPONENTIAL growth in your online multiplayer games business!
My advice: HIT PLAY NOW!
Very rarely do people watch opportunities happen in their very own backyard. This is all about online multiplayer gaming. Games that allow you to beat up on people in other countries around the world using VOIP to laugh at them.
Opportunities like this do not happen often.
Nor should they!
To discover how you can INSTANTLY start to sell online multiplayer games through the incredible company you've just read about, watch OUR FREE VIDEO HERE: http://www.premier-promotion.com/best/video-game
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_D_Browne
Make Money Playing Computer Games Online
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