This guide will show you how to make money in Runescape by completing a little banana picking side quest that is open to all members and the only thing you need to start is 30gp.
Let's Go Banana Picking!
Banana picking? Yes! Banana picking! A short way from Lumbridge lies Port Sarim which for a fee of 30gp can take you to a small island containing a banana plantation.
There, you get a simple banana picking job which pays you 30gp for each crate of bananas that you pick. The cool thing is that you can do this as many times as you like and it is very quick to do. You should be able to rake in around 1000gp in an hour so this is a great way to get a little money in your pocket to get started in Runescape.
Getting to Island of Karjama
All new players start out in Lumbridge so I'll put the directions from there. Your first destination is Port Sarim. Take the road north and follow it all the way to the docks. Along the way you'll head through a forest which is populated with level 2 goblins. These are easy kills for any brand new player and they often drop money. So if you don't have your first 30gp then kill a few of these goblins along the way until you do.
When you get to the dock at Port Sarim you'll see a sailor dressed in blue. Speak to him and he'll offer to transport you to the Island of Karjama for a fee of 30gp. Pay the fee and make the trip.
Working the Banana Picking Job
In front of the dock is a small house and inside the house is a man called Luthas. Speak to him to be offered the task.
The banana plantation is around the back of Luthas' house just up the path. There are many trees in the plantation and each tree holds around 5 bananas. You simply click the tree to pick the banana and unlike most other skills in Runescape, this does not take any time - it's instant, which is why this task can be very lucrative.
The crate is at the front of Luthas' house and it requires 10 bananas to qualify as full. You have 24 slots in your inventory, to make the most amount of money in the quickest possible time make sure you have 20 slots free and go pick 2 crate fulls of bananas at once.
Right click on the crate and select "Fill Crate". Don't click the bananas from your inventory or you will eat them :-)
Once the crate is full, go back to Luthas and speak to him. Once he gives you the payment, speak to him again to repeat the task. Now you can just do this over and over and rack up 1000gp in about an hour. Now, if you want to be a really nice player, and if you see other free players struggling for money, show them how to make money in Runescape just by picking a few bananas!
There are many ways to make money in Runescape. To find out more, including how you can earn up to 200,000 gold per hour, visit Runescape Money Box for Runescape money making guides and other topics.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adrian_Hunt
Make Money Playing Computer Games Online
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